Report to:

Governance Committee


Date of meeting:


18 April 2023


Chief Finance Officer



East Sussex Pension Fund – Pension Board Appointments



To propose the appointment of Chair and Employer Representative to the East Sussex Pension Fund Pension Board.


The Governance Committee is recommended to:

1)    Reappoint Ray Martin as Chair of the Pension Board for a period of 4 years (24 April 2023 to 23 April 2027); and

2)    Appoint Tim Oliver as an Employer Representative on the Pension Board for a period of 4 years (24 April 2023 to 23 April 2027)


1.    Background

1.1          The Local Pension Board of the East Sussex Pension Fund was set up to meet the requirements of the Public Service Pension Act 2013, requiring Funds in the Local Government Pension Scheme to have a Pension Board whose duties are to provide advice to the Administering Authority. The Pension Board is not a decision-making body.

1.2          Under the East Sussex County Council Constitution, appointments to the Pension Board, and the allocation of material roles within it, are reserved to the Governance Committee. 

1.3          The Pension Board has an independent Chair to assist with the management of its meetings and ensuring its legal obligations. The current Chair is Ray Martin and his term of office comes to an end on 23 April 2023.

1.4          The Pension Board also consists of 3 employer and 3 member representatives. One employer representative is drawn from Brighton and Hove City Council as the largest employer outside of East Sussex County Council, one from the Borough and District Councils with the third coming from the wider pool of employers participating in the Pension Fund. There is currently a vacancy for an employer representative drawn from the wider employer pool.


2.    Appointment of the Pension Board Chair

2.1       The Pension Board Chair vacancy was widely advertised in the professional press to maximise the opportunity to attract applicants for the position. 5 applications were received for which, after review, 2 were taken forward for interview.

2.2       The interview panel consisted of the Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change, the Chief Finance Officer and Head of Pensions. Following careful consideration, the interview panel determined that it would recommend that the Governance Committee re-appoint Ray Martin as Pension Board Chair. It would further recommend that Ray Martin be appointed for a term of 4 years, to run from 24 April 2023 to 23 April 2027.

3.    Appointment of the Employer Representative


3.1          In December 2022, all eligible employers were contacted about the vacancy which was due to arise in January 2023, when an existing employer representative was standing down. Officers asked the employers to provide nominations for the position.

3.2          One employer responded and put forward Tim Oliver, the Head of Payroll from the University of Brighton. He met with the Pension Board Chair and Pensions Manager      – Governance and Compliance to discuss the role and to provide comfort that he         would be a suitable appointment.

3.3          During the meeting Tim demonstrated an enthusiasm for joining the Pension Board, a good knowledge of some of the issues he would need to comment upon and has previous experience of working with a range of different pension scheme types both from a payroll perspective and as a trustee. It is recommended that Tim Oliver is    appointed to the Pension Board.        

4.         Conclusion and recommendations

4.1       The Governance Committee is recommended to reappoint Ray Martin as Pension Board Chair for a period of 4 years (24 April 2023 to 23 April 2027).

4.2       The Governance Committee is recommended to appoint Tim Oliver as an Employer Representative of the Pension Board for a period of 4 years (24 April 2023 to 23 April 2027).


Chief Finance Officer




Contact Officer:

Sian Kunert, Head of Pensions

Tel. No.

01273 337177
